At, we provide valuable information and resources to educate individuals apart of EVERY Amway Tools System on how to report RICO/RACKETEERING Fraud. If you are a victim of Amway's organized crime, or know anyone who is a victim of Amway's organized crime, we are here to help you file a report, and request an investigation for RICO fraud. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is RICO/Racketeering?

RICO, short for RACKETEERING, is a pattern of illegal activities that are coordinated to generate profit. More specifically, it is organized crime. RICO is a criminal enterprise coordinated by multiple people that orchestrates a series of illegal activities for profit. 

Where can I report RICO Fraud?

  • FBI - Federal Bureau Investigation 
  • DOJ - Department of Justice
  • OJP - Office of Justice Programs
  • OIG - Office of Inspector General 
  • FED's - Federal Reserve
  • Local Police Departments 
  • FTC- Federal Trade Commission 

How serious of a crime is RICO/Racketeering?

Racketeering is a serious FELONY that can result in long prison sentences, large fines, & forfeiture of assests. 

Is Amway unaware of the illegal business practices from every Tools System?

Good question. Amway as a corporation is very aware of the illegal operations of every Tools System. In fact, Rich Devos went into detail of the illegal operations of every Tools System in the recording below 👇